
Thursday, November 17, 2016

Sound of Thounder Study Guide

1. Vocabulary 

Annihilate: Destroy 
Expandable : unneeded 
Infinitesimally: small
Primeval: resembling the earliest ages in the history. 
Resilient: flexible 
Revoke: put an end
Sheathed: put (a weapon) in the shed. 
Subliminal: unconscious 
Taint: trace
Undulate: move with a smooth wavelike motion.

2. Literary terms 

Foreshadowing: a literary device in which a writer gives an advance hint of what is to come later in the story. 

Friday, November 11, 2016

Emerson's child

1. I feel like Emerson would view the 2016 presidential election like how everybody is reacting too. I mean it just depends on like who he votes. But I think that he would choose Donald trump because he
speaks the truth just like Emerson. And he would like straight forward things that Donald trump is saying and doing. He would like to move forward by individuals because In the story, he's basically saying you can do anything by yourself.

2. Emerson would suggest that we learn in school to pursue our goals is by working hard. Don't ever give up on yourself. Further more he would view our school and career aspirations by telling us what we really want to be. And for that I would prepare by doing something that I've never thought I would do or not heard about. Just do something that you thought and DO IT.

3. Emerson means by "be yourself" is what's really inside of you that no one knows. I feel like we put masks on for people to see the outside of us.  My true nature is basically deep down inside of me that no one knows. But what I really want is to see people the REAL ME..  I think that to reconcile the wisdom and ispiration is that just to be myself and that's all.

4. I would explain Emerson main ideas to a 10 years old is that don't think what other day about you. Just be yourself and be confident. Sometimes your gonna have to be alone with your self with out any friends. You can do anything with your self. And it's ok if you're alone sometimes.

5. That's all what I really think about Emerson. It was hard at first, but hey I least I got through this and this essay. I think that there's more to the story once you get really into it. The more you talk and do notes etc.. you'all get through this. And that's what I think.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Emerson presentations Day 3

• "The secret of fortune of joy is in our hands" means you are the key to the happiness..

• Married to Ellen tuck
• Died on April 27, 1882

• He urges his readers to follow their individual will instead of conforming to social expectations.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Emerson Presentations Day 2

• To be great is to be misunderstood
• "Society everywhere is in conspiracy against the manhood of everyone of its members".
• You must court him he does not court you. But the man is, as it here, clapped into jail by his consciousness.

• "A man is his own star" which means no one in the world out there will help you.
• To be great, to be understood
• Believe what you can do..

Monday, November 7, 2016

Emerson presentation day 1

• this group wrote down quotes to understand more about Emerson
• "The only way to have a friend is to be one" which means being nones is what you gets you to have friends".

Saturday, November 5, 2016

My Emerson

Basically we're gonna put some peoples quotes & emerson's together. My group & I gonna put it on a poster & it's gonna be shaped "E" (for Emerson).. and in the "E" it's gonna be the quotes. And all of this is to understand more of Emerson.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Emerson for the young buck

What I learned was that don't care what anybody thinks. Always speak what's on your mind & what's right. Be true to your self... that's what I learned..

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Emerson said it

"The secret of fortune is joy in our hands".. what I think it means do what makes you happy and don't care what anybody thinks... 

"But if I am the devi's child, I will live then from the devil".. what I think it means is if you do bad things it will come back?... like Karma example... 

"Speak your latent conviction, and it shall be the universal sense; for the most in due time becomes the almost" what I think it means is speak out your mind, you shouldn't be afraid what others think..