
Friday, September 30, 2016

Respect my authority

I think that my authority hears what I would want to say & listen to me.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Inciting incident

My first impression of the pedestrian is that it's werid

Mistakes for president

I feel that Hillary had good answers and trump didn't let the guy asking questions to them.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Big Question Discipline

Why people quickly judge right away?

Fall Vocab 4

1. Intermittent - occurring at irregular intervals.
2. Ebb - the movement of the tide out to sea.
3. Regress - return to a former or developed state.
4. Tendency - an inclination toward a particular characteristic or type of behavior.
5. Antiseptic - antibiotic

1. The teacher corrected intermittent on my paper.
2. The ebb is rising.
3. She is regress to her new town.
4. She has a werid type of tendency in her.
5. Some people that are sick are antiseptic.

Monday, September 12, 2016


The grade I got was kinda ok I would say... But I think that I would've did a lot better if I didn't leave one or two parts..
I've done so far this course by doing daily stuff, stay on task..

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Vocab 3

1. Coherent - of an argument, theory, or policy.
2. Belabor- argue or elaborate in excessive detail.
3. Eschew - deliberately avoid using.
4. Acquisitive - excessively interested in acquiring money or material things.
5. Emulate - March or surpass.
6. Banal - so lacking in originality as to be obvious and boring.
7. Excoriation - a harsh criticism.
8. Congeal - solidify or coagulate, especially by cooling.
9. Carping - difficult to please.
10. Sunstantiate - provide evidence to support or prove the truth of.
11 . Temproize - avoid making a desicison or committing oneself in order to gain time.
12. Largesse - generosity in bestowing money or fits upon others. 
13. Tenable - able to maintained or defended against attack or objection.
14. Insatiable - impossible to sastify.
15. Reconnaissance - military observation of a region to locate an enemy or acerstain strategic features.
16. Germane - relevant to a subject under consideration.
17. Ramify - from branches or offshoots.
18. Intransigent - unwilling or refusing to change one's view or to agree about something.
19. Taciturn - reserved or uncommunicative in speech.

Monday, September 5, 2016

Literature Analysis Questions #1

1. This book is about this boy named John & his sister Lisa moved to a new house. He thought at first that his house is nowhere near his school or his bestfriend. They were both crazy about old houses. Later on, the house that their living right now is haunted by the Revolutionary War solider killed in the famous and bloody Battle of Princeton.
2. I think that the Theme is scary & werid..
3. I think that the Author Margery Cuyler tone is thrillingly combines creppy chills. I feel like that she's that type of person that likes to walk to the cemetery & likes to drink black coffee.